Monday, October 21, 2013

Welcome to MHK with Jim

Well, Through the magic of Google, my post on DMDD got a few page views without any action on my part to link other people here.

Now I'm committed.

After 25 years of helping people as a psychotherapist, counselor, teacher, supervisor, organizer, I've picked up a few things about mental health conditions, learning and developing some strategies for mental healh diagnosis/understanding and treatment.  I've been leading workshops, writing articles, and teaching courses for ten years, and have been doing some writing and editing for a psych textbook publisher.  I've been answering people's questions on .

I'd like to help you understand yourself and other people, and what happens in a therapy office.

Questions are welcome, but after answering a lot of questions for clients, people at my workshops, and on Quora,, and ResearchGate, I've got some insights and information to offer that hopefully will be useful to someone.

Topics coming up:  Anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, anger, bullying, teamwork, ADHD, psychotherapy,  ethics, supervision, sleep and sleep disorders, stimulants, hoarding, OCD, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, adolescence, the brain and body, and the mind-body interaction (including the science of embodied cognition, why holding a warm cup makes you feel more "warm" toward people).

So it begins!

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